FREE download on Relationship Compatibility in Polyamory

by Reid on September 20, 2008

One Size Does Not Fit All: Finding Good Matches for Different Poly Relationship Styles — talk with Dr. Beth

Download this delightfully funny and informative talk given by Dr. Beth on poly relationship styles and how to determine whether a potential partner would be a good match for you. What is important to have in common when in a relationship? What traits and attitudes are an added benefit when they’re different? Research suggests that being a “good fit” for one another is as critical, if not more so, than a romantic connection or “chemistry.” Download this hour long talk and enjoy!

Get the free 60-min download!

ABOUT DR. BETH: Dr. Beth has been a practicing therapist, program director, professional speaker, educator, advocate and author for 15 years. She has trained and supervised hundreds of counselors and regularly teaches large groups of professionals how to successfully navigate complicated interpersonal experiences. With her PhD in Psychology, her areas of expertise vary widely but include relationship counseling, family therapy, nontraditional relationship work and counseling around all aspects of sex and sexuality.

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